In October 2018, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme, launched the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, aiming to establish a circular economy for plastics. Since then, over 500 signatories have joined, with numerous major global brands pledging to significantly increase their use of post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic and reduce their reliance on virgin plastic by 2025.

Individual commitments for PCR plastic usage range from 20% to 100%, with a collective target of 26%. While these pledges are commendable and many brands have made considerable progress, a significant issue remains: there is not enough recycled plastic to meet the growing demand.

In its 2022 global report, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation revealed that signatories had more than doubled their use of PCR plastic since 2018, rising from 4.8% to 10%, but they are still far from achieving the 2025 goal. Additionally, the use of virgin plastic has returned to 2018 levels after an initial decline.

The question persists: how can we boost the availability and supply of PCR plastic? In this blog, we will explore what brands can do to ensure their product packaging is consistently recycled.

Creating a Circular Economy for Plastic Waste

If you work in product packaging design, there are several important steps you can take to increase the likelihood that your packaging will be recycled, as outlined in our previous blog on sustainable packaging design.

However, making products recyclable is only part of the solution. Globally, we generate vast amounts of recyclable waste every day, yet much of it ends up in general waste collections. In fact, a recent report by National Geographic revealed that 91% of plastic waste is not sent to recycling facilities.

How Can We Increase the Amount of Recycled Plastics?

There is widespread discussion about how to enhance materials recovery. Numerous startups and companies are working to improve product identification at materials recovery facilities (MRFs), employing technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine vision, near-infrared, and air separation to better identify waste and boost recycling rates.

However, Dr Adam Read, Chief Sustainability and External Affairs Officer at SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK, suggests that a more practical solution may be closer to home.

“Our MRFs can already capture up to 90% of the PET and HDPE we collect using existing identification technology,” he explains. “The problem is that our 90% recovery rate isn’t starting with a 100% collection rate.”

Read also highlights the quality of the collected material as a barrier to higher recycling rates.

“Many recyclable items don’t make it through the MRFs; if liquid is left in a PET bottle or food remains in an HDPE tray, it increases the weight and alters the density, meaning it won’t end up in the recycling pile.”

This underscores the need for greater consumer awareness around properly preparing and disposing of waste for recycling.

“It’s a challenging message,” Read admits. “Encouraging people to recycle is relatively straightforward, but getting them to do it correctly and improve the quality is much harder.”

The Rise of On-Pack Recycling Labels

The Consumer Goods Forum has established 9 Golden Rules for designing recyclable packaging, one of which is the use of on-pack recycling instructions to increase consumer awareness.

In fact, a report by the US-based Recycling Partnership in March 2023 revealed that 78% of US consumers seek recycling information on product labels to ensure items are disposed of correctly.

“More accurate recycling at the household level would improve my feedstocks, making the process easier regardless of the system we use,” says Dr Adam Read. “Whether it’s current technology, manual sorting, a new system, or a hybrid approach, if the right materials are collected, the process will run smoothly.”

Consumer Demand for Recycling Labels

Including on-pack recycling labels not only simplifies things for consumers but can also enhance brand value. A recent study by McKinsey and NielsenIQ found a ‘clear and material link’ between sustainability claims and consumer purchasing behaviour.

Recycling labels are gaining global momentum, with many countries now implementing mandatory end-of-life labelling requirements.

  • France – Packaging must display the ‘Tri-man logo’, indicating how each part of the packaging should be disposed of.
  • UK – By March 2026, all packaging (except flexibles) must be labelled with either ‘recycle’ or ‘don’t recycle’, with flexible packaging following suit in 2027.
  • Italy – Packaging intended for consumers must specify the material used and provide clear disposal instructions.

This list is not exhaustive, as many other countries, including Spain, Portugal, Poland, and Germany, are expected to introduce mandatory regional labelling requirements in the coming years.

In other regions, voluntary on-pack recycling labels have emerged for brands:

A 2020 report by the UK’s Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) on consumer behaviour and recycling labels made several recommendations for an optimal recycling label, including:

  • Placement is crucial: Labels placed on the front of packaging are more likely to influence consumer behaviour.
  • Be clear: Labels should provide specific instructions on how to dispose of the waste.
  • Use colour coding: Coloured labels are more likely to catch consumers’ attention.
  • Be consistent: Brands should collaborate to ensure uniform label placement.

A Future-Proof Solution

While providing on-pack recycling advice for consumers is undoubtedly beneficial, the multitude of regional labelling requirements can create confusion and challenges for brands selling products internationally, particularly as legislation and guidance are subject to change.

One potential solution is incorporating recycling information into a 2D code, such as a QR code. In fact, new French labelling laws already require QR codes on certain packaging types, allowing consumers to access recycling information instantly by scanning with a smartphone.

Global standards body GS1 is also moving towards the introduction of 2D barcodes at points of sale by 2027, which could pave the way for the GS1 Digital Link. This system would allow a single 2D code to be scanned at the point of sale, directing consumers to a product-specific webpage where they can access further details, including recycling information. GS1 suggests that QR codes using the GS1 Digital Link standard could provide businesses with a cost-effective, streamlined way to offer recycling guidance while ensuring their packaging remains compliant with evolving legislative requirements.

With a GS1 Digital Link QR code, brand owners can provide access to a range of information from a single symbol, including:

  • Details on the materials used in the packaging.
  • Instructions on preparing materials for recycling, such as separating components, cleaning the packaging, and whether to remove or keep items like caps and pumps.
  • Information on whether the packaging is widely recyclable, or if consumers need to check local facilities or use specialist waste recovery services.
  • Tailored local information through geolocation or postcode, allowing consumers to:
    • Access local recycling guidelines.
    • Find the nearest recycling facility.
  • Additional consumer engagement opportunities:
    • Recycling incentives.
    • Tips for reusing packaging where recycling isn’t possible.
    • Feedback and surveys.

Crucially, the GS1 Digital Link allows brands to update or add new messaging without needing to redesign their packaging. The information in the QR code can be revised as new regulations are introduced.

By incorporating a GS1 Digital Link QR code on packaging now, brands can meet current consumer and business needs while addressing future requirements with a single, adaptable, and cost-effective solution.

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